Ihre gewählte Nachricht :
Datum : 08.05.2014

Titel :
"Turnaround in monetary Policy?"

Meldung : Düsseldorf (ots) - The 56th "Monetary Workshop" from 9th until 10th of May is held under the general theme "turnaround in monetary policy?" Top-class participants from academia, financial industry, and politics will discuss at the premises of the Savings Bank and Giro Associaton Hesse-Thuringia current financial and economic questions. Presentations for the 70 participants will be given eg by professor Michael Heise (chief economist of Allianz), professor Marcel Fratzscher (DIW), professor Berthold Wigger (Karlsruhe) or Jörg Rocholl (ESMT). Experts from politics and industry are eg Carsten Schneider (member of the parliament, and deputy head of the SPD Parliamentary Group) Thomas Mayer (Center for Financial Studies, House of Finance at Goethe University) and Ludger Schuhknecht (Federal Ministry of Finance). Highlight of this years' workshop is the prize ceremony of Mr William White, former Economic Adviser and Head of the Monetary and Economic Department at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and current chairman of the Economic Development and Review Commit-tee at the OECD. The Prize in Monetary, Financial and Macro-Prudential Policy is endowed with 5,000 EUR and is awarded to brilliant achievements in the sphere of monetary policy and monetary theory. This years' prize is awarded to William White, an excellent economist with multifaceted experiences in practice-oriented research and policy recommendations. With his forward-looking and critical work on the buildup of systemic risks in the economy, he warned he warned at an early stage against the upcoming asset price bubble. On May 9th, Mr White will address the "Monetary Workshop" on the "Evolution of beliefs over the last 50 years on how best to conduct monetary policy". Moreover, he notes "this evolution is not over. The continuing economic and financial crisis has called into question a number of old beliefs about the conduct of monetary policy, while also pointing the way to new ones." The first ever prize in Monetary, Financial and Macro-Prudential was awarded last year to professor Otmar Issing. He was a member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank and the Deutsche Bundesbank for many years. The "Monetary Workshop" is a registered association with about 70 members. The workshop is held twice a year as a symposium in Frankfurt and Berlin for Researchers from Germany and abroad, representatives from banking industry and politics to discuss current economic and monetary policy issues. Originaltext: Handelsblatt Research Institute digital press kits: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/113298 press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_113298.rss2 Pressekontakt: Prof. Dr. Bert Rürup Präsident Handelsblatt Research Institute Tel.: +49 (0)211 - 887-1100

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