Ihre gewählte Nachricht :
Datum : 13.05.2014

Titel :
Structural fixation / light weight / 100% Proof

Meldung : Juelsminde, Denmark (ots) - The JUAL Solar Console system is based upon an east/ west frame system which combined with structural fixation offers a unique roof industry compliant solution for flat roof PV installations. The concept of the structural fixation through the various types of roofing membranes is based upon 45 years of experience in delivering pre-fabricated roof drains, ventilations, flashings etc. So making a safe hole in the roof is our daily business. - East West system designed as a system with JUAL Solar Consoles - Fixed into the roof structure - Light weight system - load of roof less than 15 - 20 kg/m2 - No compromise of the roof draining system - Wind tunnel tested and documented system (in collaboration with Ruscheweyh Consult GmbH) - Easily configurable with JUAL Solar-Designer software Visit JUAL Solar A/S at InterSolar 2014 Hall C3, stand 140 Danish JUAL Solar A/S is a sister company to JUAL A/S. JUAL A/S is a family owned production company with 45 years of experience within roof accessories for the domestic and international market. JUAL has a momentous know how when it comes to designing and manufacturing roof penetrating products with an integrated membrane. It is JUAL A/S who produces the consoles and frames for JUAL Solar A/S. Originaltext: JUAL A/S digital press kits: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/113304 press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_113304.rss2 Pressekontakt: JUAL Solar A/S Industrivej 14 7130 Juelsminde Denmark jualsolar@jualsolar.dk +45 7683 1133 www.jualsolar.dk

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